Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tale of twin cities--three things I observed

A very tiresome day today, got up early at 8.am, something which I had not done in past 2 months. Had to leave for a temple around Banjara Hills, not that I am becoming holy these days, but my friend Ravi wanted his bike to be blessed on the 2nd anniversary of its purchase. I had been to the outing after many months (as I am lazing around these days..enjoying the retirement from 17 years of education).

First we went to the bike service centre, to complain about the very bad service they had provided to the vehicle in past two days, when it was with them for servicing. We came across another annoyed and dissatisfied customer, complaining to the incharge there. From the behaviour I observed three things,

* The service providers feel Customers are stupid.

* They don't have the long term plans to satisfy people

* India is full of such incident, as we were not the only annoyed customers.

On the way to Banjara Hills, at a traffic signal, as the red light appeared, a chap came up to the people waiting for the green light, with a bunch of wiping cloth, I had observed three things from this incident,

* The chap has a brilliant business sense and uses the available resources efficiently, he may not be an Ambani now, I cant predict his future!

* He was among the very few businessmen, who did not build concrete artificial and suffocating mall, spoiling the ecology and the natural beauty of the cites.

* India still lacks the motivating attitude towards such small time vendors.

Finally reached the temple, wow a great big temple resembling a shopping mall, with people selling tokens for this vehicle puja ...prasadam, archana, abhishekam...etc ..what a commercial sight!!. I observed three more things here,

* Devotion has now become so commercial and animal sacrifice still exists in India, God knows when people start treating him with vegetarian menu.

* I never understood how the two or three lemons and the garlands help smooth run of vehicles which are made up of hundreds of mechanical parts.

* After the puja, we came to the footwear stand, I was lucky to find my footwear still in the place where I had placed it, but my friend was not as lucky as me.......so obviously my third observation was that ....the old myth that footwear get stolen from temples ..is not a myth but a never ending saga of reality.

Since my friend would not be able to ride the bike, I took control. Observed three things on the way back home,

* I was feeling bad on the way, not because my friend lost his footwear, but
because of the traffic and the amount of fuel we were wasting while crawling through the road.

* The number of cars have risen like the sudden rise of godly men into the lime light. More because of the loans provided by the banks who cash upon the false pride that people get by owning a car.

* Wow, we are not trying to be like the US, but have copied it to such an extent that most people here have started driving on the right side of the road.

We reached a footwear store and here too I observed three things ( God knows when such three things will come to an end) ,

* We casually told the salesman that my friend has lost his footwear in the temple and he replied that it was a good sign to lose footwear ( Ya I too believe that it is a good sign to lose your foot ware, but it is good for owner of the footwear stores and not the owner of the footwear).

* People are superstitious, even now in India.

* We Indians try to find a positive consequence for every lose or any bad incident like loss of footwear, spilling of oil, breaking of mirror...etc (never ending list).

End of the tour of twin cities....!!!!

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