Sunday, June 17, 2007

Power of Mind and other Senses

One question that we always come across from the ancient may be the stories of Panchatantra or the stories of Tenali Rama...."What travels faster than a deer?" ..the answer is quite simple Mind.

I always believed

Fastest thing in the World = Mind.

Strongest thing in the World = Faith, as it can move mountains.

Your best friend = Your Heart, you can't live any further, if it betrays you.

The words Heart and Mind always brings in a confusion about the usage of these two words. "Are they two same?" , " Are they different?", " Do they think alike ?" or "Do they differ in the opinion?" One of the most beautiful answers to these questions,I felt, was given in the film Iqbal. In one of the scenes Naseeruddin Shah...points to his chest while referring to the Mind and he points to his forehead, while referring to the Heart. The girl beside him tells him that his hand points wrongly towards his chest and forehead, while referring to the Mind and Heart, respectively. Then he replies that when a person is concentrating too hard on something and is very dedicated towards it then both the mind and heart start to converge and they act alike, they start thinking alike.....they don't differ in it doesn't matter if he is referring to the mind in the chest or the heart in the forehead.

Mind travels faster than a deer and in fact faster that the supersonic planes that human claim to have manufactured. One of the funniest incidents that I remember, puts forth the fact that Mind travels faster than these planes. One fine afternoon, during a 10 minute break, me and my classmates were discussing where we shall go during the vacation. One person started with the idea of going to Nagarjuna Sagar Dam ..they other came up with he idea of Tirupathi,...then Basara ( Saraswathi temple )...we even took a journey to Ooty....In fact, we travelled through the length and breadth of our state and also to Ooty, which is in the other state.......all in the time of 10 minutes. Can the super sonic planes take us to all these place in such a small time?

Do minds have the power to communicate ( Most of my friends know I always wanted to settle down in the field of telecommunication, so the word communication always fascinates me.) ?

If you have not come across such a concept of communication between minds then let me tell you that it is called Telepathy. Some people claim to believe in that, while others claim that it is mental disorder and stuff. What ever it may be, you call it telepathy or sixth sense or extra-sensory perception (ESP)....give it any name ..I strongly believe that strong bondage can really make people share there feeling and opinions. As the old saying goes " Great people think alike" or even the funny saying that " Fools don't differ in their opinion" thing is common in both the cases....when there is a bondage the opinion and feeling and thinking converges. One of the incidents that I remember, that supports this, is the one that really changed the life of me and my family. As most of my friends would agree i am too regular to School or College ..I Usually maintain a near 100% attendance always..probably because I am too conscious of myself respect to stand in front of the Principal's room with a leave letter in my hand. One fine morning, when I was in class sixth, I told my grandparents that I had stomach ache and would not be able to go to school..even they knew that I was telling a lie..but were generous enough to allow me to take leave. At about 9 O'clock, the time when the school bell rings...I told them that I was fine now, as they can't ask me to go to school now as the bell had already gone. My Mom returned home from the hospital to take food for my dad as he was hospitalised. I started asking my grandfather and my Mom to take me to the hospital so that I can meet my Dad, whom I had not met for about 2 weeks then. I went to the hospital to meet him, and he told me that he had asked my mom to ask me not to go school and come and meet him , but my mom didn't tell that to me as she didn't want me to miss the classes and thought of taking me to hospital on Sunday. Call it telepathy or speech of mind or anything or even coincidence..both me and my Dad wanted to meet each other and I had taken leave (rarest thing in my life) from School to meet him. That was eventually the day he had his last breath. If at all I had not taken leave from school I would not have seen him for ever in my life, at least I had the opportunity of meeting him before he died.

Probably it was one incident which made me too sentimental about many things so that I would not miss anything because I had not listened to my instincts.One such thing is the blue shirt which most of my friends know I would wear on all my favourite exams and to the interviews or practical viva etc.. It may be a superstition but I never like to take chances.

Faith is something that can move mountains......if you take it literally then it may not be possible to move a real mountain..but what it can do is to move away the mountain like troubles ( konda antha badha in Telugu). It may be faith in God or in yourselves or in your work ..but belief and faith are two things without which..the occurrence of success is a mere fluke. Many times me and my friend tell each other Namakame jeevitham, whenever the other person is riding the bike, which means life itself is to believe or have faith.

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